joshua armstrong

joshua armstrong
The Samuel Penney House c.1902


More things that keep me busy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sanding is not for the blind

I don't know what possessed me. I didn't want to go back, really I didn't... But I did. All day plane crashes deserve to be witnessed.

when she answered the door, his wife, Mary Anne, told me to go right up stairs. She said I was expected. "What??" I responded with a voice pitched where 12 year old girls had problems reaching. "How did he know I was coming?"

"He's funny like that" she sighed.
So up the stairs I tread. I open the door to the guest room, and there before me is the abominable masked man. I wet myself just a little.
"Do you know the best way to sand plaster smooth after you've applied it?" He asked me. I couldn't tell if he could actually see me or not.
"I think I do" I answered with all the confidence of a teacup poodle.
"Well, I think we both know, you don't. You hire somebody dingleberry! Cause is sucks big ole rotten duck eggs! I hate it!" I swear to god I think he growled. "But sands that, Get it?, you use the ugly lights."
We all know by now that I shouldn't have asked but of course I did.
"You take some strong work lights and you set them up close to the wall. Shine 'em the length of the wall. It'll show the ridges of the plaster in relief. So you can see where to sand. Like this"
And low and behold, what had looked like a pretty darn good plaster job, turned into a moonscape.
" Now use a fine sanding sponge or 150 grit. And be gentle. Your not trying to scrub skunk off your Alpaca. If you can make it look half decent with the ugly lights it'll look perfect under normal lighting"
He pointed out a few little waves and bubble holes then turned off the light and,....perfection!

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