joshua armstrong

joshua armstrong
The Samuel Penney House c.1902


More things that keep me busy

A Cat to Remember

We lost a wonderful cat a couple of months back that I think my wife loved more than me. Beauregard was a 5 year old Persian we got from the pound and he was almost 20 when he passed. He had no front claws and wouldn't have used them if he did. 

Needless to say we were devastated.

About a year or so before that our friend Renee gave us a plaster statue of a black Persian with spooky green eyes and said, "Here you go Joshua! You'll figure out something to do with it! Maybe you can paint it to look like Beauregard"

Luckily for me whoever painted it in the first place used a flat black paint and left it outdoors in the sun. So most of the black paint washed off OK. Made one hell of a mess though.
 Scary little bugger ain't he?
I printed up some pics of BoBo, got out my paints and brushes, and now for some dumb-ass reason I'm writing about it at 2:30 in the morning.
Yeah, I'm stupid, so what?

And TADA!! my memorial statue is finished and so am I. I love being on vacation! 
It's back to the attic for me tomorrow!

Changing the eyes was the hardest part

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